The Mission of Catawba Valley Presbytery
CVP is to be a Church of Teaching and Ruling Elders deeply committed to each other and to our mission of promoting the Gospel of Grace by extending God’s Kingdom in and through our Reformed particularized churches, missions, and RUF (Reformed University Fellowship).
Catawba Valley Presbytery Church Locations
Shearer Presbyterian
Pastor: Dr.Stephen Stout
First Presbyterian, Stanley
Back Creek
Christ Church Rivers edge
Goshen Presbyterian Church
Grace Church
Grace Covenant
Harbor Church
Harvest Church
Lake Shore Church PCA
New Hope Presbyterian Church
North Cross Church
Prosperity Presbyterian Church
Providence Presbyterian Church
RUF Davidson College
South Lake Presbyterian
Stone Bridge Community Church
Meadowview Reformed Presbyterian Church
Senior Pastor: Rev. George Sayour
Associate Pastor: Rev. Pablo Ayllon
Assistant Pastor: Rev. Taylor Howsmon